Can You Eat Cheese on a Keto Diet: The Best and Worst Cheeses to Choose

When it comes to following a ketogenic diet, cheese emerges as an outstanding option. Its rich fat content and low carb count perfectly align with the principles of keto living. But this delicious snack does more than tantalize our taste buds; it also brings along a plethora of health advantages. Numerous studies demonstrate that consuming cheese contributes to weight management, reduces the risk of heart disease, and aids in obtaining vital nutrients like calcium and vitamin K. Nevertheless, not every cheese fits seamlessly into the keto lifestyle. In this enlightening post, we will explore which cheeses are best suited for your keto adventure while revealing those that may hinder your progress. So let’s immerse ourselves in the captivating world of cheese and uncover the ideal choices for your keto journey!

Best cheeses to eat

When it comes to the keto diet, not all cheeses are made equal. Some are worthy of relishing in large amounts, while others must be savored in moderation or completely avoided. In this part of the blog post, we’ll uncover the ideal cheeses to indulge in while following a keto plan. We’ll embark on a journey exploring the tantalizing flavors and distinct characteristics of cheddar cheese, gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese. Whether you crave creamy and tangy or desire a robust bite, we’ve got you covered. So let’s jump in and unveil the mouthwatering realm of keto-friendly cheeses!

Cheddar cheese

When it comes to indulging in cheese on my keto journey, cheddar cheese is hands down the winner. Its sharp flavor and adaptability have won over the hearts of cheese enthusiasts like me. But what sets it apart as the perfect choice for us keto followers?

First things first, cheddar cheese is extremely low in carbs, which is absolutely essential for staying in ketosis. With just a mere gram of carbohydrates per serving, cheddar cheese won’t send our blood sugar levels soaring. Additionally, it packs a solid punch of protein and fat that keeps us feeling full and immensely satisfied.

One major boon of cheddar cheese lies in its high-fat content. The very essence of the keto diet revolves around feasting on healthy fats to power our bodies instead of relying on carbs. Cheddar cheese graciously provides abundant amounts of fat per serving, thereby ensuring we stay energized and satiated throughout the day.

Now here’s something extra awesome about cheddar cheese – not only does it taste incredible on its own or when melted into scrumptious dishes like omelets or burgers – it also delivers several crucial nutrients to our bodies. Its generous calcium content supports strong bones and teeth while its vitamin K2 promotes cardiovascular health.

So whether I’m snacking away on cheddar cheese with crisp cucumber slices or relishing its melty goodness draped over cauliflower as an exquisite side dish, this versatile cheesy delight effortlessly earns its spot in my keto meal plan.


In my humble opinion, cheese is absolutely delectable when incorporated into a keto diet. It offers essential nutrients such as protein and fat, all while keeping those pesky carbohydrates at bay. But not every cheese is cut from the same curd when it comes to this diet.

  • Cheddar cheese: Its luxurious flavor and high fat content make cheddar a match made in keto heaven.
  • Gouda: This velvety delight boasts an ideal balance of protein, fat, and low carb goodness.
  • Goat cheese: Crafted from goat milk, this cheese delivers a distinctive taste and tends to be gentler on digestion compared to cow’s milk varieties.
  • Blue cheese: Renowned for its bold flavor profile, blue cheese surprisingly keeps carbohydrate counts relatively low.

Now let’s explore the flip side of the whey. There are certain cheeses that should be enjoyed in moderation or avoided altogether during your keto journey:

  • Cottage cheese: Although rich in protein, cottage cheese carries a considerable amount of lactose, which could impact ketosis.
  • Low-fat cheese: These types of cheeses often forfeit fat and replace it with additional carbohydrates, rendering them less suitable for keto enthusiasts.
  • Processed cheeses: These particular varieties tend to harbor higher carb levels due to extra ingredients sneaking their whey in.

Above all else, please remember to handpick cheeses that align with your daily calorie goals and macronutrient targets throughout your keto voyage. So go ahead and relish those decadent slices of cheddar or crumble some zesty blue cheese atop your salad—but be mindful of portion control. After all, moderation is key!


Can I eat cheese on a keto diet?

Yes, cheese can be included in a keto diet. It is low in carbs and high in fat, making it a suitable option for those following a ketogenic eating plan.

What makes cheese a good choice for a keto diet?

Cheese is high in fat and low in carbs, which aligns with the macronutrient profile of a keto diet. It can help provide satiety, add flavor to meals, and contribute to the desired fat intake.

What are the best cheeses to eat on a keto diet?

Some of the best cheeses to eat on a keto diet include cheddar cheese, gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese. These cheeses are low in carbs and high in fat, making them suitable for a ketogenic eating plan.

Why are cottage cheese, low fat cheese, and processed cheeses considered the worst choices for a keto diet?

Cottage cheese, low fat cheese, and processed cheeses are considered the worst choices for a keto diet because they often contain higher amounts of carbs and lower amounts of fat. They may also contain added sugars and other additives that can hinder ketosis.

Can I eat cheese if I am lactose intolerant?

Some cheeses, particularly aged cheeses like cheddar and gouda, contain very little lactose. People with lactose intolerance may be able to tolerate these cheeses in moderation. It is best to listen to your body and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Can I eat cheese on a keto diet if I am vegan?

Traditional cheese is derived from animal milk, so it is not suitable for a vegan diet. However, there are vegan cheese alternatives available that are made from plant-based ingredients. These vegan cheeses can be consumed on a keto diet as long as they fit within the desired macronutrient ratios.

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